Basically, we plug holes.
Jammy Life GmbH was founded in Berlin with the idea of establishing a technical process with which boreholes in special foundation engineering can be filled in layers and compacted.
After thorough research & development, patenting, technical testing and application development, we are now system provider for safe borehole filling.
Based on over 20 years of experience in the world of borehole filling, subsoil compaction and in the special world of clay mineralogy, we now supply a technically and scientifically tested and published process for the layer-by-layer compaction of building material in small-caliber boreholes.
Our specialty is
Sealing elements for cyclically dynamic loading filling
of exploratory drilling.
We deliver the
sealing material
to your construction site.
We rent your
borehole compactor machine
on a project basis or for longer periods of time.
We will train you in the correct application.
We deliver the
for BIM-compliant digital documentation.
Really special
you will think.
Yes. Together with leading scientific partners, we are developing building materials, machines and processes with which exploratory boreholes - mainly in the area of explosive ordnance - can be refilled so that the building site can be used again without danger.
Doesn't concern me
you will think.
No, unless you travel by train on railway tracks, by car on roads and motorways, or by ship on rivers. In that case, it does affect you. Because you are travelling on roads that have been drilled through millions of times. And you and your fellow passengers exert cyclical dynamic loads and put strain on the massively drilled subsoil of the roads.
I didn't know
you will think.
That's right. It's also special. But even around 75 years after the end of the last world war, there are still 200,000 detonable World War II bombs lying dormant in the ground and they pose a potential danger. Most of them are in the immediate vicinity of our transport infrastructure. And millions of exploratory boreholes are being drilled - which sometimes makes the building site look like Swiss cheese. At the end of the day, it is very important that the boreholes are filled in a technically perfect manner - and that is what we do.
you would have to say now.
We supply specially developed building materials, processes and machines for layer-by-layer compacted borehole filling.