
Requirements for the ideal borehole filling: How innovation comes into the world.


It is not so much the type of drilling but rather the method of backfilling that determines the stability of the subsoil.

This gives rise to requirements for the filling. Filling should no longer simply mean "pouring in" but rather it must be a real sealing element. A technical work, a repeatable process.

Void-free, homogeneous compaction

A sealing element that is homogeneous, void-free and compact from the bottom of the borehole to the top of the ground. Nothing can sink..

No sagging, no giving way

The ideal borehole seal should not give way. It should not sag and must withstand cyclical dynamic loads over time.

No water flow

The firm interlocking of the sealing element with the drilled rock is probably the most important feature of the filling. It prevents water flow or edge flow

Cyclically dynamically resilient

High dynamic loads place high demands on the borehole filling.

Getting to the bottom of things

Who would have thought that filling exploratory boreholes for explosive ordnance would one day call for innovation? More exploratory boreholes, more high-speed roads, and more safety requirements are now raising completely different questions. The question of the ideal way to fill boreholes in the dynamically heavily loaded transport infrastructure is on our minds.

In cooperation with Deutsche Bahn, Boskalis Hirdes Explosive Ordnance Probing, Steinbeis Research Center, University of Stuttgart / IGS Institute for Geotechnics and other outstanding experts in the field of borehole geophysics, we are looking for the ideal borehole filling in exploratory drilling, explosive ordnance probing and diaphragm wall technology.

  • We have elasto-plastic sealing elements

    placed on the track. A borehole filling that has both elastic and plastic properties in the horizon immediately adjacent to the track body.
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